Google Compute Engine: Computing without limits - Google ...
By Scott Knaster
So far this includes products like Google App Engine, Google Cloud Storage, and Google BigQuery. Today, in response to many requests from developers and businesses, we're going a step further. We're introducing Google Compute Engine ...
Google Developers Blog
By Scott Knaster
So far this includes products like Google App Engine, Google Cloud Storage, and Google BigQuery. Today, in response to many requests from developers and businesses, we're going a step further. We're introducing Google Compute Engine ...
Google Developers Blog
Google has offered many what it calls higher-level cloud services such Google storage, BigQuery and Google App Engine in the past, but now the company believes it needs to sell a more prosaic Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) offering whose primary...
Ajubeo Chooses FORTRUST's Denver Data Center for High-Density Cloud ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Cloud computing providers such as Ajubeo are also strong candidates for FORTRUST's new Data Module offering, utilizing their "powered by IO" partnership. Ajubeo has already confirmed interest in the product with the companies actively involved in ...
Survey Reveals User Attitudes, Critiques of Cloud Storage including Benefits ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Of the respondents, more people have implemented or plan to implement cloud storage than any other cloud computing initiative, including software-as-a-service. Among other desirable benefits, more than a third of respondents indicated they value off ...
Google launches Chrome browser, Drive cloud storage for iOS
Apple Insider
Also set to launch in the App Store on Thursday is an official application for Google Drive, the search giant's cloud storage service. The company also announced that in just 10 weeks of availability, Google Drive now has more than 10 million users.
ebrc Wins "European Award for Cloud Services"
MarketWatch (press release)
LUXEMBOURG, Jun 28, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- ebrc, Luxembourg's leading provider of highly secure cloud, managed ICT and data centre services ( ) has won the "European Award for Cloud Services", presented at the 5th Annual Data ...
Google Drive cloud storage heads to iOS & Chrome OS
Google will soon bring its Drive cloud storage product to Apple's iOS platform and Google's Chrome OS, the company announced today at its annual Google I/O conference.

Cloud CAD upstart Sunglass announces API integration with CAD tools, cloud ...
Continuing its efforts to bring computer-automated design (CAD) to the cloud, Sunglass is today announcing integration with four popular CAD tools, as well as cloud storage services, using its new API.

From Annoyance to Harmonizer: Cloud Computing's Maturity Curve
One of the issues information technology managers raise about cloud computing -- as well as the overlapping "bring your own device" phenomenon -- is that the stuff end-users bring into the workplace sooner or later become IT's headache. It may be the ...

Cloud computing strategy 'could create 16000 jobs' in NI
BBC News
It claimed a cloud computing strategy could boost the NI economy by £1.2bn. The report, issued by Whisple Cloud Services, was released during a business conference hosted in the new Titanic building in east Belfast. Whisple Cloud Services is an ...

BBC News
Google Mimics Amazon Cloud With 'Google Compute Engine'
Wired News
Google has unveiled a service akin to Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud, offering developers and businesses run applications atop virtual machines running on its the same sweeping infrastructure that underpins Google's own applications and web services ...

Wired News
World's First Tamper-Evident Cloud -- Estonian Telco Levira Teams Up With ...
MarketWatch (press release)
PALO ALTO, Calif., Jun 28, 2012 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- Joyent and Guardtime's cloud computing technology enables Levira, the Estonian government's majority owned service provider, to offer secure cloud-computing services to Governments and ...
Google Targets Amazon Again, With Cloud Service
Wall Street Journal
Google moved to take on in the fast-growing market for what the industry calls cloud services, allowing companies to run their applications and store data on computers managed by the Internet giant. ... The shift to services delivered over ...
IT Cloud Provider Datapipe Makes Top Cloud Provider List
MarketWatch (press release)
Engineered to meet enterprise requirements for governance, usability, compliance and interoperability, Stratosphere(TM) is a globally available, high-performance managed cloud computing platform. Datapipe's CEO, Robb Allen, elaborates on why his ...
Google I/O Day 2: Chrome for iOS, Cloud Computing and More Skydiving
All Things Digital
Google introduced Chrome for iOS, offline editing for Google Docs, retail selling of Chromebooks at Best Buy, and Compute Engine on the second day of I/O 2012. And it reprised its ridiculous Google Glass live video skydiving stunt from Wednesday.

All Things Digital
Google launches IaaS Compute Engine
Expanding its portfolio of cloud computing services, Google is launching an IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service) package, called Google Compute Engine (GCE). ... "We've heard from many of our customers that not having an IaaS was a barrier to adopting ...
Google pledges computing without limits in Compute Engine cloud platform
IaaS product launched today provides users a cloud for running Linux virtual machines on same infrastructure powering Google itself. ... The year's best hardware, software, and cloud services. InfoWorld's Test Center unveils the 2012 Technology ...
Cloud adoption pushes storage virtualization
Network World has used a storage hypervisor to power its cloud offering from DataCore, which is one of a handful of companies in the storage virtualization market. Later this month, on July 28, hopes to celebrate 1000 consecutive days of cloud ...
Lighthouse eDiscovery Deploys Riverbed Whitewater to Improve Cloud-Based ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Lighthouse decided to move its backup data to the Amazon Simple Storage Service cloud storagebut realized it needed a fast, secure and reliable way to move data in and out of the cloud. The company chose to deploy Whitewater gateways. "While cloud ...
Prevailing Cloud fears mostly unfounded
ZDNet (blog)
I just took part in a Cloud storage Twitter chat where we discussed hybrid clouds, cloud storageand the viability of cloud computing for SMBs. There were some people in the chat session who were advising businesses to stay away from cloud storage.
CliQr Technologies Announces Support for Google's Compute Engine Cloud
MarketWatch (press release)
CliQr's CloudCenter product enables businesses to take full advantage of the real power and elasticity that cloud computing offers, enabling complete visibility and control over their cloudenvironment. "We now have the ingredients to create the ...
Red Hat Cloud Ecosystem Gains Global Momentum
MarketWatch (press release)
Chris Smith, vice president, Service Strategy & Design, Systems & Technology, KVH Co., Ltd. "KVH has built a carrier-grade cloud services platform including Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization and has benefited from its stable and robust technology. As a ...
Hosters in Strong Position to Dominate the US SMB Cloud Market
MarketWatch (press release)
NEW YORK, Jun 28, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- In the fast-growing U.S. Cloud services market, hosters are poised to take advantage of their relevant experience and strong customer relationships to become a leading purchase channel for small and medium ...
Google announces expanded suite of Google Drive cloud services
TechRadar UK
During the second day of the Google IO 2012 extravaganza, the search giant revealed that their current stable of cloud services will be revamped to better compete in the realm of business-focusedcloud computing services from Amazon, Microsoft and Oracle.
Google Gets its Public Cloud Game On at I/O
Wired News
With raw virtual machines, developers can pretty much run whatever software they want, just as they can with Amazon EC2, the undisputed king of the cloud computinggame. (See also: As Mystery Cloud Looms, Google Revs App Engine). Last but not least ...

Wired News
ICBA Member Banks Are Increasing Adoption of Cloud Computing
MarketWatch (press release)
C3 is the only on-demand fully hosted cloud computing solution designed specifically for the financial services market. Since being chosen by ICBA as the Preferred Technology Management Service Provider for community banks in October 2011, ...
Red Hat Aims Its Cloud at Bigger Rival VMware
Tweet. BOSTON (TheStreet) -- Red Hat(RHT) has decided its place in the cloud computing sunlight depends on taking on VMware(VMW). ... Its aim is to let companies build cloud storage from commodity hardware rather than specialized servers.
RightScale Announces Integration With Google Compute Engine
MarketWatch (press release)
SANTA BARBARA, CA, Jun 28, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- RightScale(R) Inc., the leader in cloud computing management, today announced the integration of its cloud management solution with Google Compute Engine. RightScale is offering a private beta ...
Numerate Announces Integration With Google Compute Engine
MarketWatch (press release)
SAN BRUNO, Calif., Jun 28, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Numerate, Inc., a technology platform company that uses proprietary algorithms and the power of cloud computing to transform the drug design process, today announced integration of its platform with ...
Join me online for the BS-free “Future of Cloud Computing” Think ...
By Noah Gamer
I go to cloud computing and security conferences about 40 times a year as a part of my job as VP ofcloud security at Trend Micro. To be an effective technology.
Simply Security
A View of Cloud Storage from Cloud Computing Expo
By Lorita Ba
A View of Cloud Storage from Cloud Computing Expo. Attendees indicate cloud storage as the most widespread cloud initiative. As part of our presence at Cloud Computing Expo in New York two weeks ago, we conducted a survey at our ...
TwinStrata Blog
Cloud Expo: Survey - A Snapshot into Cloud Storage Adoption ...
Of the respondents, more people have implemented or plan to implement cloud storage than any other cloud computing initiative, including software-as-a-service. Among other desirable benefits, more than a third of respondents indicated they ...
Latest News from Cloud Computing Journal
Cloud computing for libraries: review « Monographer's Blog
By Anthony Haynes
Cloud computing for libraries, by Marshall Breeding, is published by the American Library Association (2012) in The Tech Set series. The aim of the book is 'to equip libraries with the information and practical advice needed to evaluate the ...
Monographer's Blog
Microsoft's Xbox Music Service to Include Streaming, Downloads ...
By Eric Slivka
Microsoft's Xbox Music Service to Include Streaming, Downloads, and Cloud Storage? Thursday June 28, 2012 11:35 am PDT by Eric Slivka. Earlier this month, we noted that Microsoft was making a major push into the living room, seeking to ...
MacRumors: Mac News and Rumors...
User-Centric, Business Relevant Cloud Computing | DynamicTalks
By Chad Jones
Building a private cloud can be a daunting task. No small wonder when most vendors and analysts all say to rip out existing systems, start fresh, reimagine your entire business and conform your business to a single private cloud process that ...
Help build Canada's $400m Technology Strategy Board – Cloud ...
By Neil McEvoy
To provide a response I'm launching a 'Technology Strategy Board', modeled after the UK program of the same name, that will bring together the world's leading Cloud expert team to collectively author Digital Economy policies that would fuel ...
Cloud Computing Best Practices
Cloud Computing clarified …for the confused
By Customerservice
Cloud Computing, Clarified…for the Confused cloud computing clarified Cloud Computing for Dummies Chances are, the computer or device you're using right now is a completely self-contained unit. In other words, your computer or device ...
The Art Of Service
Google Compute Engine: Cloud Computing without limits - GPU ...
By Editor
Google has offered many higher-level cloud services such Google storage, BigQuery and Google App Engine in the past, but now the company unrolls a Google Compute Engine, an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) product that lets you run Linux Virtual Machines (VMs) on the same infrastructure that powers Google. This goes beyond just ... Storage. Store data on local disk, on our new persistent block device, or on our Internet-scale object store, Google Cloud Storage. Network.
GPU Science
Big data analytics and the cloud: A hit or a bad fit for the midmarket ...
By Joe Corvaia
Reporter Jessica Scarpati of SearchCloudProvider reached out to several service providers, myself included, to get their take in the first part of her two-part series that will explore the opportunity for big data cloud analytics in the market today. Slide over to her story, “Service providers ... As VP of Cloud Services for Evolve IP, it's my job to help develop and market the company's cloud services. I have more than 16 years of experience in ... TMC asks me what's next for cloud computing ...
Cloud IQ
Red Hat Redefines Enterprise and Hybrid Cloud Storage | Press ...
By Ian Saldanha
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (from RED HAT SUMMIT AND JBOSS WORLD 2012) – June 28, 2012 – Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT), the world's leading provider of open.
Best of Interop – Tokyo Winner: Cisco Cloud Services ... - Cisco Blog
But with big market transitions like cloud computing, nothing can be further from the truth as the ...
5 Awesome Cloud Computing Diagrams - Cloud Provider USA
SSD Cloud Computing News and Industry Blog. Blog Home · Cloud Computing ... For instance, the answer to “what is cloud computing?” We've touched on this ...
Cloud Computing: Compuware Launches SpeedoftheWeb | Cloud ...
Liz is Associate Online Editor at, where she covers emerging technologies includingCloud Computing and Virtualization, as well as mergers and ...
LiveStream: Future of Cloud Computing Think Tank with the ...
Join Dell and VMware for the “The Future of Cloud Computing Think Tank," along with a panel ofcloud experts on June 27, 2012, from 9:00 a.m. PST to 4:00 ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Cloud computing providers such as Ajubeo are also strong candidates for FORTRUST's new Data Module offering, utilizing their "powered by IO" partnership. Ajubeo has already confirmed interest in the product with the companies actively involved in ...
Survey Reveals User Attitudes, Critiques of Cloud Storage including Benefits ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Of the respondents, more people have implemented or plan to implement cloud storage than any other cloud computing initiative, including software-as-a-service. Among other desirable benefits, more than a third of respondents indicated they value off ...
Google launches Chrome browser, Drive cloud storage for iOS
Apple Insider
Also set to launch in the App Store on Thursday is an official application for Google Drive, the search giant's cloud storage service. The company also announced that in just 10 weeks of availability, Google Drive now has more than 10 million users.
ebrc Wins "European Award for Cloud Services"
MarketWatch (press release)
LUXEMBOURG, Jun 28, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- ebrc, Luxembourg's leading provider of highly secure cloud, managed ICT and data centre services ( ) has won the "European Award for Cloud Services", presented at the 5th Annual Data ...
Google Drive cloud storage heads to iOS & Chrome OS
Google will soon bring its Drive cloud storage product to Apple's iOS platform and Google's Chrome OS, the company announced today at its annual Google I/O conference.
Cloud CAD upstart Sunglass announces API integration with CAD tools, cloud ...
Continuing its efforts to bring computer-automated design (CAD) to the cloud, Sunglass is today announcing integration with four popular CAD tools, as well as cloud storage services, using its new API.
From Annoyance to Harmonizer: Cloud Computing's Maturity Curve
One of the issues information technology managers raise about cloud computing -- as well as the overlapping "bring your own device" phenomenon -- is that the stuff end-users bring into the workplace sooner or later become IT's headache. It may be the ...
Cloud computing strategy 'could create 16000 jobs' in NI
BBC News
It claimed a cloud computing strategy could boost the NI economy by £1.2bn. The report, issued by Whisple Cloud Services, was released during a business conference hosted in the new Titanic building in east Belfast. Whisple Cloud Services is an ...
BBC News
Google Mimics Amazon Cloud With 'Google Compute Engine'
Wired News
Google has unveiled a service akin to Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud, offering developers and businesses run applications atop virtual machines running on its the same sweeping infrastructure that underpins Google's own applications and web services ...
Wired News
World's First Tamper-Evident Cloud -- Estonian Telco Levira Teams Up With ...
MarketWatch (press release)
PALO ALTO, Calif., Jun 28, 2012 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- Joyent and Guardtime's cloud computing technology enables Levira, the Estonian government's majority owned service provider, to offer secure cloud-computing services to Governments and ...
Google Targets Amazon Again, With Cloud Service
Wall Street Journal
Google moved to take on in the fast-growing market for what the industry calls cloud services, allowing companies to run their applications and store data on computers managed by the Internet giant. ... The shift to services delivered over ...
IT Cloud Provider Datapipe Makes Top Cloud Provider List
MarketWatch (press release)
Engineered to meet enterprise requirements for governance, usability, compliance and interoperability, Stratosphere(TM) is a globally available, high-performance managed cloud computing platform. Datapipe's CEO, Robb Allen, elaborates on why his ...
Google I/O Day 2: Chrome for iOS, Cloud Computing and More Skydiving
All Things Digital
Google introduced Chrome for iOS, offline editing for Google Docs, retail selling of Chromebooks at Best Buy, and Compute Engine on the second day of I/O 2012. And it reprised its ridiculous Google Glass live video skydiving stunt from Wednesday.
All Things Digital
Google launches IaaS Compute Engine
Expanding its portfolio of cloud computing services, Google is launching an IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service) package, called Google Compute Engine (GCE). ... "We've heard from many of our customers that not having an IaaS was a barrier to adopting ...
Google pledges computing without limits in Compute Engine cloud platform
IaaS product launched today provides users a cloud for running Linux virtual machines on same infrastructure powering Google itself. ... The year's best hardware, software, and cloud services. InfoWorld's Test Center unveils the 2012 Technology ...
Cloud adoption pushes storage virtualization
Network World has used a storage hypervisor to power its cloud offering from DataCore, which is one of a handful of companies in the storage virtualization market. Later this month, on July 28, hopes to celebrate 1000 consecutive days of cloud ...
Lighthouse eDiscovery Deploys Riverbed Whitewater to Improve Cloud-Based ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Lighthouse decided to move its backup data to the Amazon Simple Storage Service cloud storagebut realized it needed a fast, secure and reliable way to move data in and out of the cloud. The company chose to deploy Whitewater gateways. "While cloud ...
Prevailing Cloud fears mostly unfounded
ZDNet (blog)
I just took part in a Cloud storage Twitter chat where we discussed hybrid clouds, cloud storageand the viability of cloud computing for SMBs. There were some people in the chat session who were advising businesses to stay away from cloud storage.
CliQr Technologies Announces Support for Google's Compute Engine Cloud
MarketWatch (press release)
CliQr's CloudCenter product enables businesses to take full advantage of the real power and elasticity that cloud computing offers, enabling complete visibility and control over their cloudenvironment. "We now have the ingredients to create the ...
Red Hat Cloud Ecosystem Gains Global Momentum
MarketWatch (press release)
Chris Smith, vice president, Service Strategy & Design, Systems & Technology, KVH Co., Ltd. "KVH has built a carrier-grade cloud services platform including Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization and has benefited from its stable and robust technology. As a ...
Hosters in Strong Position to Dominate the US SMB Cloud Market
MarketWatch (press release)
NEW YORK, Jun 28, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- In the fast-growing U.S. Cloud services market, hosters are poised to take advantage of their relevant experience and strong customer relationships to become a leading purchase channel for small and medium ...
Google announces expanded suite of Google Drive cloud services
TechRadar UK
During the second day of the Google IO 2012 extravaganza, the search giant revealed that their current stable of cloud services will be revamped to better compete in the realm of business-focusedcloud computing services from Amazon, Microsoft and Oracle.
Google Gets its Public Cloud Game On at I/O
Wired News
With raw virtual machines, developers can pretty much run whatever software they want, just as they can with Amazon EC2, the undisputed king of the cloud computinggame. (See also: As Mystery Cloud Looms, Google Revs App Engine). Last but not least ...
Wired News
ICBA Member Banks Are Increasing Adoption of Cloud Computing
MarketWatch (press release)
C3 is the only on-demand fully hosted cloud computing solution designed specifically for the financial services market. Since being chosen by ICBA as the Preferred Technology Management Service Provider for community banks in October 2011, ...
Red Hat Aims Its Cloud at Bigger Rival VMware
Tweet. BOSTON (TheStreet) -- Red Hat(RHT) has decided its place in the cloud computing sunlight depends on taking on VMware(VMW). ... Its aim is to let companies build cloud storage from commodity hardware rather than specialized servers.
RightScale Announces Integration With Google Compute Engine
MarketWatch (press release)
SANTA BARBARA, CA, Jun 28, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- RightScale(R) Inc., the leader in cloud computing management, today announced the integration of its cloud management solution with Google Compute Engine. RightScale is offering a private beta ...
Numerate Announces Integration With Google Compute Engine
MarketWatch (press release)
SAN BRUNO, Calif., Jun 28, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Numerate, Inc., a technology platform company that uses proprietary algorithms and the power of cloud computing to transform the drug design process, today announced integration of its platform with ...
How To Choose A Cloud Computing Service Provider ...
By Florence
How To Choose A Cloud Computing Service Provider With all the hustle and bustle brought about bycloud computing, small and medium-sized enterprises are really. - Cloud Computing...
By Florence
How To Choose A Cloud Computing Service Provider With all the hustle and bustle brought about bycloud computing, small and medium-sized enterprises are really. - Cloud Computing...
Join me online for the BS-free “Future of Cloud Computing” Think ...
By Noah Gamer
I go to cloud computing and security conferences about 40 times a year as a part of my job as VP ofcloud security at Trend Micro. To be an effective technology.
Simply Security
A View of Cloud Storage from Cloud Computing Expo
By Lorita Ba
A View of Cloud Storage from Cloud Computing Expo. Attendees indicate cloud storage as the most widespread cloud initiative. As part of our presence at Cloud Computing Expo in New York two weeks ago, we conducted a survey at our ...
TwinStrata Blog
Cloud Expo: Survey - A Snapshot into Cloud Storage Adoption ...
Of the respondents, more people have implemented or plan to implement cloud storage than any other cloud computing initiative, including software-as-a-service. Among other desirable benefits, more than a third of respondents indicated they ...
Latest News from Cloud Computing Journal
Cloud computing for libraries: review « Monographer's Blog
By Anthony Haynes
Cloud computing for libraries, by Marshall Breeding, is published by the American Library Association (2012) in The Tech Set series. The aim of the book is 'to equip libraries with the information and practical advice needed to evaluate the ...
Monographer's Blog
Microsoft's Xbox Music Service to Include Streaming, Downloads ...
By Eric Slivka
Microsoft's Xbox Music Service to Include Streaming, Downloads, and Cloud Storage? Thursday June 28, 2012 11:35 am PDT by Eric Slivka. Earlier this month, we noted that Microsoft was making a major push into the living room, seeking to ...
MacRumors: Mac News and Rumors...
User-Centric, Business Relevant Cloud Computing | DynamicTalks
By Chad Jones
Building a private cloud can be a daunting task. No small wonder when most vendors and analysts all say to rip out existing systems, start fresh, reimagine your entire business and conform your business to a single private cloud process that ...
Help build Canada's $400m Technology Strategy Board – Cloud ...
By Neil McEvoy
To provide a response I'm launching a 'Technology Strategy Board', modeled after the UK program of the same name, that will bring together the world's leading Cloud expert team to collectively author Digital Economy policies that would fuel ...
Cloud Computing Best Practices
Cloud Computing clarified …for the confused
By Customerservice
Cloud Computing, Clarified…for the Confused cloud computing clarified Cloud Computing for Dummies Chances are, the computer or device you're using right now is a completely self-contained unit. In other words, your computer or device ...
The Art Of Service
Google Compute Engine: Cloud Computing without limits - GPU ...
By Editor
Google has offered many higher-level cloud services such Google storage, BigQuery and Google App Engine in the past, but now the company unrolls a Google Compute Engine, an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) product that lets you run Linux Virtual Machines (VMs) on the same infrastructure that powers Google. This goes beyond just ... Storage. Store data on local disk, on our new persistent block device, or on our Internet-scale object store, Google Cloud Storage. Network.
GPU Science
Big data analytics and the cloud: A hit or a bad fit for the midmarket ...
By Joe Corvaia
Reporter Jessica Scarpati of SearchCloudProvider reached out to several service providers, myself included, to get their take in the first part of her two-part series that will explore the opportunity for big data cloud analytics in the market today. Slide over to her story, “Service providers ... As VP of Cloud Services for Evolve IP, it's my job to help develop and market the company's cloud services. I have more than 16 years of experience in ... TMC asks me what's next for cloud computing ...
Cloud IQ
Red Hat Redefines Enterprise and Hybrid Cloud Storage | Press ...
By Ian Saldanha
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (from RED HAT SUMMIT AND JBOSS WORLD 2012) – June 28, 2012 – Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT), the world's leading provider of open.

But with big market transitions like cloud computing, nothing can be further from the truth as the ...
5 Awesome Cloud Computing Diagrams - Cloud Provider USA
SSD Cloud Computing News and Industry Blog. Blog Home · Cloud Computing ... For instance, the answer to “what is cloud computing?” We've touched on this ...
Cloud Computing: Compuware Launches SpeedoftheWeb | Cloud ...
Liz is Associate Online Editor at, where she covers emerging technologies includingCloud Computing and Virtualization, as well as mergers and ...
LiveStream: Future of Cloud Computing Think Tank with the ...
Join Dell and VMware for the “The Future of Cloud Computing Think Tank," along with a panel ofcloud experts on June 27, 2012, from 9:00 a.m. PST to 4:00 ...
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