Cloud. And cloud, cloud, cloud. Oh, yes, did I mention "cloud"? ComputerworldUK (blog) I just attended IDF and I've got to say, Intel has certainly gotten the cloud message. Almost everything is centered on clouds, from the high concept keynotes to the presentations on low-level infrastructure, although if you dug deep enough there was ... | |||||
Xeround Announces Commercial Availability of Cloud Database Service on the ... MarketWatch (press release) MILPITAS, CA, Sep 20, 2011 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Xeround, the CloudDatabase Company, today announced the commercial availability of their database-as-a-service for MySQL-based applications on the Rackspace Cloud. Furthermore, the company is ... | |||||
Will NYSE's Cloud Democratize Markets? Wired News InformationWeek's Charles Babcock saw NYSE Euronext CIO Steve Rubinow speaking at this past VMworld on how the NYSE's cloud effort will democratize access to exchanges, and he drank the kool-aid. Babcock writes that the NYSE's new clouddatacenter, ... | |||||
EMC to Detail Cloud Computing Recommendations on Capitol Hill Sacramento Bee Assessing the Opportunities and Challenges of Cloud Computing" in the morning. Later in the day, Combs will join other industry experts and congressional leaders in the first US Congressional briefing on the recommendations of the TechAmerica ... | |||||
The Cloud as Software Pirate Police ReadWriteWeb More than a few software makers are eyeing the cloud in the hopes that a means to finally stop piracy resides there. There's plenty of motivation to find a way to thwart software pirates. A recent Business Software Alliance (BSA) global survey (PDF ... | |||||
Take the Predictive Analytics in the Cloud survey Smart Data Collective Decision Management Solutions, the company of which I am CEO, is running a study on Predictive Analytics in the Cloud with the folks here at SmartData Collective. Both Predictive Analytics and Cloud are hot topics and the intersection has tremendous ... | |||||
Can cloud computing spur ubiquitous broadband? GigaOm 20, 2011, 1:03pm PT No Comments Buried in the talk about security, privacy and transnational data laws, it looks like the federal government's cloud computing push also could bring progress on broadband accessibility. It's no secret that the United ... | |||||
How clean is your cloud, really? GigaOm 20, 2011, 10:31am PT No Comments Clean is as clean does when it comes to cloudcomputing and green data centers. Much has been written about how cloud computing can boost energy efficiency as data centers move off of old power-hungry gear and into new ... | |||||
10 Cloud Deployments Worth a Look Enterprise Storage Forum But here are a the cloud deployments I believe are the most interesting out there: EMC isn't just hyping the cloud. It is actively pursuing it in its internal IT organization in the form of cloud-based services for internal users. ... | |||||
Joyent, MiTAC Announce MiCloud Cloud Service for Taiwanese Customers TMC Net By Rajani Baburajan, TMCnet Contributor Joyent, a global provider of cloud computing software and services, and MiTAC Information Technology (MiTAC), a systems integrator, announced the launch of MiCloud, a public cloud service and a cloud solution... | |||||
Business Solutions Partners With Intacct to Take Advantage of Cloud Computing ... MarketWatch (press release) SAN JOSE, CA, Sep 20, 2011 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Intacct, a leader in cloudfinancial management and accounting software, continues to attract top Microsoft and Sage partners to the Intacct Business Partner Program. Intacct today announced a new... | |||||
Imation Acquires IronKey's USB-Based Hardware Security Business eWeek IronKey shed its USB-based security hardware business for portable devices in order to expand its cloud-based security platform and reach new customers. IronKey sold its USB-based security hardware business to Imation, freeing up resources for IronKey ... | |||||
US based cloud service provider SoftLayer launches Asia Pacific presence iTWire By Stuart Corner SoftLayer Technologies, a US based provider of cloud, dedicated, and managed hosting services - named by Australian market researcher firm Longhaus as a leading offshore cloud provider in Australia - has entered the Asia Pacific market ... | |||||
RightScale Customers Share Cloud Best Practices at Conference on November 8-9 MarketWatch (press release) SANTA BARBARA, CA, Sep 20, 2011 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- RightScale, the leader in cloud computing management, today announced it is hosting the fifth RightScale Conference on November 8-9 in Santa Clara, California. The event will showcase a ... | |||||
Okta, Cloud Sherpas Team Up For Cloud Management CRN By Andrew R Hickey, CRN The partnership, which marries Atlanta-based CloudSherpas' Google Apps prowess with San Francisco-based Okta's identity management capabilities, was launched to help companies adopt Google Apps while streamlining the initial ... | |||||
WidePoint's Subsidiary ORC Announces Secure Cloud Computing Subcontract ... MarketWatch (press release) The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) requires federal agencies to ensure safe and secure cloud solutions, and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) estimates that $20 billion of the $80 billion budget for information technology ... | |||||
Progress Software Makes Deploying Applications in the Cloud Easy with Progress ... MarketWatch (press release) The portal includes the Progress OpenEdge(R) application development platform, the Sonic(R) Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), Amazon Web Services and the Rightscale CloudComputing Management platform. John Bates, Chief Technology Officer, ... | |||||
Dell shrinks vStart cloud boxes Register The vStart 100 and vStart 200 prefabbed "chunks-o-cloud" came out in April, and as the name suggests, were aimed at equipping companies on the journey to the heavens with stacks of servers, switches, storage, and virtualization and management software ... | |||||
Can cloud computing spur ubiquitous broadband? — Cloud ... By Derrick Harris Buried in the talk about security, privacy and transnational data laws, it looks like the federal government's cloud computing push also could bring progress on broadband accessibility. If Congress actually does push more, faster broadband, ... GigaOM | |||||
My Adobe MAX session – Migration to the Cloud – How Do I Get ... By Greg Wilson During the past year, I've learned a lot about various cloud computing offerings including Amazon EC2 / S3 / CloudFront / Beanstalk / RDS / etc., Rackspace Cloud, Salesforce.com, Cloud Foundry, Heroku, and of course, the growing number of ... Gregs Ramblings | |||||
Cloud Industry Looks to SMBs for Growth by www.thehostingnews.com By THN News (The Hosting News) - Following a survey of global cloud providers, OnApp reports that 49 per cent expect the small business sector to drive take-up of cloud. www.thehostingnews.com | |||||
The Cloud as Software Pirate Police By Pam Baker Piracy has been the bane of software companies since the first CD was bought and underhandedly passed along to friends. Certainly peer-to-peer file sharing is alive and well, ... ReadWriteWeb | |||||
10 Ways Cloud Computing Will Improve Our Lives & Change Our ... By Guest Blogger Cloud computing has the ability to transform the world. The following are ways of describing the cloud's potential to change the business and personal lives. John Chow dot Com | |||||
How 'cloud brokers' help you navigate cloud services | Cloud ... The concept of cloud broker is taking shape, but its value is not clear, especially for the long term. www.infoworld.com/.../how-cloud-brokers-help-you-navigate... | |||||
Cloud Or Not A Cloud? - Seeking Alpha Everyone claims to be a cloud, have a cloud, let you make a cloud, enable ... And most of what passes for a cloud from most vendors isn't really cloud at all, just a ... seekingalpha.com/article/293912-cloud-or-not-a-cloud | |||||
Facebook Builds Bridge To Heroku Cloud - Cloud-computing ... In an effort to make it easier for developers to deploy their online apps, Facebook has partnered with cloud service provider Heroku. www.informationweek.com/news/cloud.../231601607 | |||||
Information Management Services – Cloud Services – Acxiom Secure, robust cloud services that deliver scalability, flexibility, speed to market and economic value. www.acxiom.com/Information-Management.../Cloud-Services... | |||||
Google, Microsoft Weather Cloud Computing Outages - Cloud ... Google and Microsoft both watched their cloud computing systems choke this past week, with Google Docs going dark for an hour and Microsoft Hotmail, Office ... www.eweek.com/.../Google-Microsoft-Weather-Cloud-Compu... | |||||
Cloud Expo Silicon Valley: Mobile's Impact on Cloud Computing ... Cloud computing's potential doesn't begin and end with the PC. Cloud services are increasingly consumed on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. ... cloudcomputing.sys-con.com/node/1984920 | |||||
Dome9 launches as cloud security heats up — Cloud Computing ... Dome9, a stealth company that aims to create the equivalent of a firewall for public and private clouds, launched the company and its product Monday. gigaom.com/cloud/dome9-launches-as-cloud-security-heats-up/
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